NHS Co-designed SCA Exam Practice and Mastery Service.
5+ hours of independent, guided learning, including a live online exam format role-play session.
GP Trainee
What was the most helpful thing your actor did?
Honest feedback and very encouraging. Non judgemental. The actor was very convincing and very friendly.
GP Trainee
Charlotte Rowe
Supportive, safe experience.
GP Trainee
The whole experience was extremely useful. It was a much more real experience/ true to life than practicing with colleagues. Thank you so much for your time & help
SCA : Via Video Simulated Patient Practice and Mastery Service.
5+ hours of independent, guided learning, including a live online role-play session.
Based on Kolbs' Experiential Learning Cycle. Confidence comes from practice.
Book a date & time
for your 60 minute role-play session.
the scenario types you want included in yoursession
Attend your
60minute via video role-play session.
Practise 3 or 4 10minute consultations and get patient perspective feedback.
After your session complete the short guided reflection form for your CPD log.
Watch your session video recording and take a more objective view of your skills. Calculate your score based on SCA criteria using the video evaluation form.
Get Feedback
Time code
the video sections you want feedback on and send to your trainer/ nominated reviewer, all just by sharing links.
Good things come in threes and practice theory proves this gets great results
Watch our SCA Role-play Service Guide
SCA/RCA: GP Trainee Practice and Mastery Service
Full range of SCA scenarios.
3 x 12 minute consultation scenarios in one 60 minute session.
Shareable free cloud based recording to share with your trainer or independent assessor.
Fully structured reflection, scoring and learning process.
Increased confidence of via video consultation skills.
Attend from anywhere, at any time.
Book one off or multiple sessions.
Available 7am to 10pm, 7 days a week.
Diversity in role-play actors from across the UK.
5+ Hours independent guided learning time per session booked.
Learn as individuals or as part of a local or national cohort
Your Avatarjo Trainer Account offers hassle free monitoring and management of trainee session recordings, feedback and assessment. Packages available for VTS schemes. Let the service take the strain and let us help your trainees make great progress with offsite, independent practice and learning. This service has an excellent track record with IMGs. To find out how, book a chat and demo with Dr Matt Bull, here.